Thursday, February 1, 2007

Bold move

It's decided:
I will learn how to surf, because I simply love this sensation. And in every skier, you have a surfer.

It's decided:
I will apply to Business Schools next year, because I want to be part of it, I want to know the people who do it, and I want to get as much as I can from these programs.

The resulting news will make some people happy, some other sad. The most won't care, and it makes sense. This blog will relate the first "wave" of my MBA program, starting in Hawaii. To apply, I need a GMAT, and to get a GMAT, I need to study.

- no, I won't come back to Switzerland directly after my project in Palo Alto
- no, Bainies, I won't attend the Ski-Week End in March
- no, Chris, I won't be your "collocataire charnu et douillet" until beginning of April
- yes, Greg, you can keep my room in Zurich. Feel free to pay the rent, if you don't mind
- yes, mom, you will receive the accounting 2006 for your language school per DHL

I hope this blog will not only be a sample of funny pictures, accompanied by links to cool webpages... I hope I can relate my time on the Island constructively, give some hints if I find cool things to do, trigger discussion about the most complex GMAT problems, or add value in any other way. C'est important de pas toujours faire des trucs qui servent à rien...

And honestly, I will write this blog either for myself. But I hope you will enjoy the external effect !