Sunday, February 4, 2007

See what happen when you drink too much coffee...

I finally found him. The guy everybody is talking about in the US Starbucks stores. As I sat in one of them yesterday, I heard people speaking about a guy who gave himself a mission: "To visit and drink coffee in every single Starbucks in USA (first milestone) and then the same in every single starbucks in the world (second milestone)."

The guy is currently on the way. One may think that he is on track, as he has already 6550 Starbucks behind him, but as Starbucks opens a new store every 10 hours in USA and avery 2 hours in the world, his only chance to succeed would imply the slow-down of his admired company's growth. Sad destiny.

C'est important de ne pas toujours faire des trucs qui servent à rien...